Spring always brings lots of inquiries of how I can help a real estate firm or client stage a home. Most homes are not ready to stage unless some time has been spent editing and deleting. So the “Tip for Spring” is to edit and delete. This can be a very tricky endeavor as people are very attached to their things. Especially if they have lived in that location for a very long time. What I bring to the table is that I can be the go-between in these sensitive areas and actually get the client to do what needs to be done. My main tip for spring is to edit and delete before you throw that house on the market. Let’s start with the bookcase darling it needs some help…….

It’s time to edit and delete……..

It’s time to edit and delete……..

Checklists are very important

When I sit down with a client, they don’t know where to begin. I understand it can be overwhelming and emotional to start cleaning out your home. I’ve done it many times and it’s much easier for someone else to approach the subject because “you may have a personal connection” to the items. That is why I have a checklist entitled “Editing Your Home - Checklist” which can be found on my website. Here are some bits and pieces from the list that I think are VERY important before you start to stage.

Real Estate Agent - Advice

o   Consider getting a professional home inspection to see if any repairs are needed.

o   Hire a contractor to handle any major projects.

o   Repair cracks and holes in walls.

o   Consider repainting or touching up interior with neutrals.  Bold colors are not recommended.

o   Replace outdated hardware.

o   Replace old caulking around sinks and bathtubs.

1 . Clean, Declutter and Depersonalize and thoroughly clean the entire home by professional.

o   Scrub tile and grout in the kitchen and bathrooms.

o   Clean hardwood floors.

o   Steam clean carpets and drapes. Consider replacing carpet if stains are prominent.

o   Get rid of all dust bunnies.

o   Remove excess and oversized, worn or soiled furniture opening up the room!

o   Rearrange furniture to maximize space.

o   Organize room closets and store out-of-season clothes.

o   Remove all small appliances, toys, magazines and pet items.

o   Remove family photos, personal collections and medications.

o   Remove items from the garage and store them off site. Remember to keep to a minimum.

o   Hold a yard sale. Sell, donate or trash anything you don’t need.

o   Secure valuable items, including cash and jewelry.

2. Getting the most out of your asset

o   Paint the home's exterior, including trim, doors and shutters.

o   Install higher wattage light bulbs to brighten rooms.  Make sure all lightbulbs work.

o   Check front door, doorbell, address number and welcome mat.

o   Power wash the siding and have windows professionally cleaned.

o   Inspect the roof and make repairs as needed.

o   Repair cracks in the driveway and sidewalks.

o   Sweep the entryway and walkways.

o   Mow, water and fertilize the lawn.

o   Trim shrubs and trees and rake the leaves.

o   Plant colorful flowers and shrubs.

o   Store any toys or equipment lying on the yard.

o   Clean up pet droppings.

o   Clean the gutters and downspouts.

o   Clean and organize, pantry, cabinets and drawers

o   Remove stains from sinks, toilets and bathtubs.

o   Clean appliances and fixtures

o   Wax and polish floors        

I try to stress the house is an asset AND a home. So we need to try and walk gently through the process but also be firm in making them sign an agreement that they will do what we discussed and give me the go-ahead to do the things we need to do. You don’t want to sign the agreement and show up the next day with them changing their mind. Do the hard stuff first and it helps the whole process. I usually start in the living room or kitchen, the two places that will be seen the most. Have ready boxes, sharpies and tape and get going. I’ve even asked the clients to be away for this phase.


Finally we are ready to stage and style the home. You never know how long the process will take but it is like a breath of fresh air to get to this part. The fun part of making things pretty is that you’ll be surprised at how your house can be transformed and ready to sell before adding the new items.


Top Reasons to Use a Home Stager/Stylist - Staging is Preparing a Home for Sale so the Buyer Can Visualize Living There. According to National Association of Realtors (NAR) the longer homes stay on the market, the further the price drops. Staged homes spent half the time on the market than non-staged homes and sold for more than 6 percent above the asking price. Average Staging Investment is between 1 - 2 percent of the asking price BUT generates 8 – 10 percent more. Process of Editing, Staging and Taking Professional Photos pays off because the first place a client looks is online at photos. Please don’t skip this step.

Does Staging Work? According to the “Real Estate Staging Association (2017)” found that on average, effective staging sells a home faster than a non-staged home.  The study included 174 unstaged homes that were on the market of 156 days before homeowners agreed to change or stage anything. Once they staged and relisted, the home sold in an average of 42 days and sold in a total of 198 days. Staged homes prior to listing sold in 42 days which is 79% faster than those staged after being listed.

Is Cost Worth it ? Average home on the market is 5 ½ months while seller is still paying mortgage and expenses it can save the homeowner money ! Real Reason ? Homes sell faster and for 6% above asking price.

So here we go, editing, deleting, staging and styling. It’s really all style darling.

Statistics:11 Incredible Home Staging Statistics by Brandon Gaille

Jill King

I am a Stylist who works with VIP clients, production work and photography. 


